Principles of Study Organisation at Tartu Folk High School

Study environment

Our classrooms have been designed as adult learning venues; we have all the necessary technology and tools. Study materials for language courses and lectures are included in the price, as are the tools for many art courses. More info can be found in training descriptions.

Registering for trainings, admissions and fees

Most trainings do not expect participants to have prior experience or skills. If prior experience is required, it is outlined in the training description.
Trainings can be registered for online by filling in a form, by phone and at the Folk High School’s offices at Pepleri 4 and Vaksali 7. Admitted participants receive a registration confirmation e-mail as well as an invoice. Generally, invoices must be paid two weeks before the training begins. Study fees can be paid at our offices in cash and by bank transfer. The Swedbank banking account IBAN of Tartu Folk High School is EE032200221017140091.
Generally, fees are not discounted.
Our study fees are not subject to value added tax.
Paying study fees before the deadline is a prerequisite for participating in trainings. Upon agreement with the training secretary and entry into a training contract, paying in instalments is possible.

Tax deductions

Following the Income Tax Act (§ 26), language courses and specially marked study programmes can be filed as training expenses in the income tax return declaration, resulting in a 20% tax deduction.

Cancelling a registration

In case you want to cancel a course registration, please notify Tartu Folk High School as soon as possible. Study fees will not be returned and the issued bill must be paid if no notice of the cancellation is made, if the cancellation is made less than two working days before the course commences or if the training has already begun.

Quitting a training

A student is removed from the participant list either at their own wish or if their behaviour violates academic integrity or hinders studies and also if study fees remain (partially) unpaid.

Completing a training

All those who complete a training will be issued a certificate or diploma by Tartu Folk High School, if requested. A diploma is issued to participants who have achieved the objectives listed in the study outcomes. A certificate is issued to participants who have not achieved the objectives listed in the study outcomes. A certificate is also issued to participants whose command of skills listed in the study outcomes was not assessed.
We issue diplomas and certificates retrospectively, and unclaimed diplomas and certificates are retained for three years.
Pieces created during art courses that have not been claimed within six months after the end of the training or the exhibition will not be returned.

Changes in the study plan

Tartu Folk High School has the right to make changes to the study plan. If a training is cancelled, all participants are notified of the change immediately. Study fees are returned or, if requested, used to fund another training.

Procedure for solving disputes

To dispute decisions related to study organisation, the appellant has the right to address the head of the school in written form. The appeal will be reviewed and the student notified within five working days. If the decision is unsatisfactory, the appellant has the right to turn to the Administrative Court of the Republic of Estonia.
Our offices (at Pepleri 4 and Vaksali 7) are open for addressing administrative issues Monday to Friday, 9:00-17:00.

Training centre economic activity notice no. 174577 (21 March 2017) has been filed in the Estonian Education Information System.

The training centre has a licence for conducting Estonian language refresher training courses for A2, B1, B2 and C1 levels in preparation for level examinations.

In addition to trainings (conducted following Adult Education Act), Tartu Folk High School administers courses upon completion of which participants are not issued documents.


Principles of quality assurance at Tartu Folk High School

Tartu Folk High School follows the Adult Education Act, other legislation within the field, laws and documents regulating refresher training and the principles of study organisation in conducting studies.

1. Study programme quality assurance

Study programmes are comprised following the Adult Education Act and the requirements in the Continuing Education Standard.
Heads of training develop study programmes in cooperation with the teacher and based on the principles of quality assurance and the guidelines of the Head of the Department of Academic Affairs. The head of the Department of Academic Affairs reviews all study programmes and where necessary, advises heads of training during the development process.

2. Training provider quality assurance

All training providers have a higher education diploma and/or experience in the field, experience in training and preferably an adult educator vocation.
Teachers’ competences are assessed by the heads of training based on CVs, previous feedback, recommendations and interviews. The quality of teachers’ work is evaluated based on student feedback.
We support our employees’ self-development and offer additional training and seminars and share info on learning opportunities and ways to apply for a qualification.

3. Learning environment quality assurance

Our classrooms have been designed as adult learning venues; we have all the necessary tools.
Training venues, technology and study materials meet the standards of health and safety in the workplace.
Coffee, tea and water are available in school buildings. Students can have their meals and drink coffee during breaks.
Students can use free internet.
In order to ensure the suitability of the venue and tools for the training, they are reviewed along with the teacher. Changes are made, if necessary. Students and teachers are asked for feedback to improve the study environment. This is taken into account upon planning subsequent trainings.

4. Gathering feedback on refresher training

If possible, heads of training and teachers ask for oral feedback during the training. This serves as an input to make changes in training organisation.
After the training, students are asked to provide written and/or oral feedback. A written feedback survey is filled in either on paper on site or online. The feedback form includes questions on the content and organisation of studies, the teacher and the learning environment. With longer trainings, questions assessing the wider impact of the course are added. If needed, written questionnaires can be administered throughout the training and one year after the course. Responses are forwarded to the teacher and analysed, and the results are used to make changes in future sessions.

The organisation has agreed to use the EQM (European Quality Mark) model to assess quality and improve studies.

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