C1 Advanced English language course. The goal of the course is to develop fluency and spontaneous language use, which allows you to cope well both in social and professional context. The learners' wishes and needs will be taken into account when choosing topics.
Kasulik teave
Tartu Rahvaülikool on Eesti Töötukassa koolituskaardi koostööpartner. Koolituskaardi kohta täpsemat infot leiate Töötukassa kodulehel. Uuri ka programmi Tööta ja õpi.
Õppetasu saab tuludeklaratsioonis näidata koolituskuluna (Tulumaksuseadus § 26).
Who is this course for?
This course is for learners at B2+/C1 level who are aiming for C1/C1+ in the long run. The focus is on spoken interaction.
Course objectives and content
Further develop all four language skills: speaking, reading, listening and writing skills, with the focus on oral expression. Understand and use advanced figurative language. Get to know different cultural aspects of English-speaking countries. Build your confidence via discussions on topical issues, develop vocabulary to a more sophisticated level, produce original essays and a formal topical presentation in the latter part of the course.
How do we study?
The course is taught exclusively in English by a native speaker of English.
You will be participating actively in lessons and speaking to each other in English as this is an integral part of practice. There will be an emphasis on medium-length texts of various styles (e.g. informative, story-based, business, work-related readings, newspaper articles etc), also learners will be expected to produce original written work and to make at least one formal presentation. You will be given homework for further practice throughout the course.

Study material
- BBC Teach: English for adults web materials.
- British Council: LearnEnglish
- Handouts copied from a range of sources.
Course topics
A selection of topics that are engaging and relevant to adult learners of English
Kursuse kogumaht on 50 tundi (sh 30 tundi auditoorset tööd ja 20 tundi iseseisvat tööd). Iseseisev töö aitab eelkõige korrata ja kinnistada tunnis läbivõetut.